Do you still laugh sometimes? Do you know how to lose yourself completely all over again in a moment of elemental joy—because of a view of houses, a human atmosphere, a song, a bit of landscape, a piece of film: in short a piece of good warm life? It’s something I love so much in you.
[Simone Weil, from a letter to Albertine Thévenon]

Announcing the newest phase in my quest for sleep: The Granny Schedule. At 8 pm Durham time I am going to lock my front door, turn off my phone, and shut down my computer. [1] [2]

1. If you find yourself in need of my aid between 8 pm and 7 am (say a rabid dog chews off your arm near the corner of Green and Buchanan) do feel free to come bang on my door, and I will unlock it for you. (In the spirit of full disclosure, I should warn you that my antibacterial cream expired in 2009, and I am not in possession of an automobile for hospital runs; wherefore you may find it expedient to bang on Tanner’s door across the street, or Celia’s next door, instead. But I do have lots of cough medicine.)

2. I am not doing this because I stopped liking people. To make up for my solitary evenings I am going to try to have lots of social lunches and early dinners and fun people-times on Sunday afternoons, and at other times between 7 am and 8 pm (early breakfast, anyone?). If you have time to hang out with me then, I will be delighted.