I am helping to coordinate a show at Duke Divinity called “Saints Through the Ages,” which is meant to represent faces of Christian believers from different times and places. It has been difficult to find images of Asian saints (India, China, Japan, anywhere), and I recently came across this beautiful image:
If you are Robert Reinlund, or you know Robert Reinlund, would you please get in touch with me? I’d love to use this image in the series.
Also, if you:
1. know of Asian saints other than Toyohiko Kagawa, Watchman Nee, Vedanayagan Samuel Azariah, and Sundar Singh, would you tell me their names? (We are construing ‘saints’ in the broadest possible way, though they do need to be Christians.)
2. know of images of any of the above people (or other Asian Christians) that are high-quality enough to print 12×15 inches,
will you let me know?