There was this really smart scientist guy who said that people can learn a lot from dogs. He said that when someone you love walks through the door, even if it happens five times a day, you should go totally insane with joy.
[Ben Moon, Denali]

She says she was a “pigeon-toed child with a receding chin and a you-leave-me-alone-or-I’ll-bite-you complex.”

What would you say of yourself?

My first shot: I was a cross-eyed child with very long bones and a John-Steinbeck-deserves-to-die-for-killing-the-red-pony complex.

Or: I was a horse-crazy child with an eye patch and an expression on my face of oh-dear-I-just-realized-that-sound-was-your-voice-and-I’m-sorry-what-was-the-question?