Prestige has no bounds and its satisfaction always involves the infringement of someone else’s prestige or dignity.
[Simone Weil]

mup/mupping/mig mup — jump, jumping, big jump
muptuck — dumptruck
eat-a-up — eat it up; I ate it up
big Bett — adult bed
teeny Bett — crib
Ohrs — Ohren (ears)
b-b-b-munny — how she practices the “b” at the beginning of “bunny”
munnybabbit — bunnyrabbit
dowel — Löffel (spoon)
beba — selber (myself)
Egga-murm! — Regenwurm! (earthworm; always an exclamative)
Hecky ah! — Heck yeah!
Oh my DOSH — Oh my gosh.
Dats BOL — That’s bold. (first full sentence, repeated after Lauren Greenspan, who was reporting that Will Flowers said it)
Mia — Thea
tocken — trocken (dry)
no all wet — dry; or I want this not to be wet anymore
nen — again
Ducy häv — Lucy have
Mama no häv — …
Ducy Abeit — Lucy work
Daddy Abeit — Daddy, go to work (go in the office)
Daddy out — Get Daddy out of his office