My tone is not meant to be obnoxious. I am in a state of shock.
[Flannery O’Connor]

is a line from the Communist Manifesto, about what it means to turn things into capital. It’s also drawing on a passage from Goethe’s Faust, where Mephisto talks about a man who owns six stallions thereby having twenty-four feet — as though the properties of what we own are absorbed seamlessly into our beings. And it’s the title of a book by Marshall Berman, about moderinity (beautiful book).

In wandering google just now I found the following, which claims to be a trailer for a film called All that is Solid Melts into Air, but I can’t find the film. There’s one by that name from this year’s Sundance, but it’s not the same one — the Sundance one appears to be about oil, and this one is about architecture.

Here’s the trailer in Russian with German subtitles (good entertainment value even if you know neither language):

Trailer ‘All That Is Solid Melts Into Air’ (Alles Stehende verdampft) from isabella willinger on Vimeo.

Here it is with English subtitles:

All That Is Solid Melts Into Air (Trailer Engl.) from isabella willinger on Vimeo.