In the morning before eating, you’re on the defensive, you manage somehow not to know things you really do know.
[Simone de Beauvoir]

surely the darkness (detail from Even the Darkness)

Dear Portland Friends,

From now till August 11th, I have paintings hanging in the atrium at Imago Dei, at 1400 SE Ankeny. On Thursday, July 31st from 6 to 9 pm, I am having an opening — there will be snacks (including six boxes of Miles Reck’s famous cookies: peppermint and chocolate toffee. come for those if you don’t like paintings.). There will be art, and from the yeses I’ve gotten on attendance so far, I can promise excellent company.

Above is a detail from the show’s title painting, “Even the Darkness.”

Please feel free to pass this invitation on. Friends and children are welcome. I’d love to see you if you can make it, and if not and you’d still like to see the show, the building is open on Sundays during services.
